Borderlands 2 is an online video game developed by Gearbox Software that involves a first-person shooter. The game is about competing to see who gets the best loot, cash, guns, and other goodies. It is an amazing sequel to the four-player role-playing shooter loot fest. The best part about Borderlands 2 is that it offers shift codes, with the help of which players in Borderlands 2 can obtain several golden keys. Borderlands 2 golden key codes are therefore quite the talk of the town as they bring promising rewards for the players. If you are someone looking for Borderlands 2 shift codes 100 keys, then you have come to the right place. Our doc will guide you well on Borderlands codes, how to use them, and also about Borderlands 2 shift codes Xbox one, and Borderlands 2 shift codes PS4. So, let us start with knowing what these shift codes really are in Borderlands 2.
Borderlands 2 Golden Key Codes to Redeem Now
Borderlands 2 shift codes 100 keys are unique and special codes made with numbers & alphabets that players can use to get free items in the game. The Shift is Borderlands fan reward system by Gearbox Software. These codes are provided by the developer of the game, Gearbox Software. These are also popularly known as loyalty rewards.
- On redeeming shift codes, you can obtain golden keys.
- These golden keys help in opening up a special golden key loot chest near the Fast Travel Station in the game.
- These codes can be used to unlock items like weapons, shields, skins for your game characters, and more.
- These shift codes can only be used when you are connected to the internet.
- You can also redeem them via the Shift website.
- Borderlands 2 shift codes Xbox One are single-use codes that unlock special items in the game.
- On activating shift codes, they automatically unlock in-game rewards or items.
- Shift codes are regularly updated on the official website of the developer or on the Twitter handle of Shift.
List of Cosmetic Shift Codes for Borderlands 2
Below are some of the cosmetic shift codes that you can use to change the appearance and enhance the features of your characters in Borderlands 2.
Note 1: Some codes will work for the PC version while others will work for the console version.
Note 2: Codes mentioned below are subject to expiration.
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1. Golden Key Shift Codes
There are many golden key Borderlands 2 shift codes Xbox One that still work and can provide you with 5 golden keys. These golden keys can let you have some amazing and useful items in the game.
- WBK3T-BKW6T-TXTRK-JTTBT-C6BS5: This code can get you 25 golden keys.
- W3KJB-H9CBW-XRBRW-JTBTJ-9JRXK: This code can get you 25 golden keys.
- 5BW3B-F96CT-KXJFK-TB3B3-39BWZ: This code can get you 20 golden keys.
- JJ6T3-9CSRB-RKJ5W-JBJJJ-WRXRC: This code can get you 3 golden keys.
- 3TFTB-XKHXB-F5BC5-JTJTJ-HK96X: This code can get you 3 golden keys.
- TJRB3-CKZRB-F5JK5-B3BBB-3FZC9: This code can get you 3 golden keys.
- JTR3T-TCHR3-XK3W5-J33T3-TF6H5: This code can get you 3 golden keys.
- 5JWTT-KHTSB-S5TXC-BB33J-HCJ6K: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3CB3-3JF99-RJ3JB-JJ3JJ-BT3RX: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- WB5JJ-KX6HS-XBJBT-TBJJB-XW3S3: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- KJ53B-RRRSZ-F3TJJ-TJTT3-WBHT6: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- WTWJ3-TSXZS-FTJB3-3TTJJ-WBCT3: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CTWTB-JTBW5-KFTTT-JTB33-JTBWB: This code can get you 20 golden keys.
- WTKJ3-9JXZ9-6TJJB-33T3J-FRJC6: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K353B-TWSBX-H5BR5-J3T33-6XTCK: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3WTT-TKRH9-X3BJT-BJTBT-KXTSB: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- W3KJJ-KJXHZ-6JJBJ-3TT3T-33XBR: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CTC3J-KR9H5-WTZ3T-TJ3TB-6SRRJ: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3WJT-BFBRW-S5RTT-TBBB3-9XWZ5: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- W353B-9FXZZ-RBJ3J-BT3B3-JK9KH: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- WBCJB-B3HHZ-RJJJJ-JJT3B-69XHK: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- WTC3B-Z5ZWC-HW6JT-JJJBJ-9FWXR: This code can get you 20 golden keys.
- CJWJJ-HR5Z9-6JT3J-J3TBT-6TJ6K: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- 5BWBT-RX5ZH-FJBJB-JBTJT-CRBWX: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- C35JB-R9WSH-XBBJT-JJ33B-F3WFB0: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CBCJB-K9WHH-63JTJ-B3JJB-HT553: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- KB5BJ-WCRZ9-6J33J-BBJ3T-XK96K: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CJW3J-KHXZH-63TTJ-T3J33-R5HXK: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- W3CB3-RXRXB-TFBR5-BBT3T-F3KXS: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- C3CTJ-XJ6HZ-FJTTJ-JBBBJ-3WTJZ: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- KBKJB-S5FSZ-FTTTT-TJJJB-XC95X: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3WBT-Z95HZ-FTT3J-BTTJB-ZFX63: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- WTCTJ-J9CS9-RJJ33-T3J3B-BT9XH: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K35TJ-6399H-XTBBT-33TJB-ZZ3BX: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- 535JJ-XKRHS-XJ3TT-3JJT3-FTSR6: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3K33-3W9JT-6XJJT-TB3JB-HWZZF: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CBWJ3-6HRZS-6TJJ3-3BJBT-WH3TZ: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3CTT-SF6XT-B6JXK-TTBJBT-9KZZJ: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- 5T5B3-CWJSK-KRTJT-TTJJT-9HW63: This code can get you 20 golden keys.
- KT5T3-HS6HZ-FBJT3-3TJT3-ZC5KH: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- C3W33-RZ6ZJ-TFJ6C-TTH33-RFHX5: This code can get you 100 golden keys.
- C35TB-WS6ST-TXBRK-TTTJT-JJH6H: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- 33XJB-C6KST-JJJTJ-S36SW: This code can get you some golden keys.
- WBKBJ-HFK5Z-BJ639-BTTJT-W33JH: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- KJ53B-CXW5Z-TT63S-BJT3J-TB99R: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- K3KTJ-3XCKH-3TFBZ-3JTJ3-RXR3B: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- KBKJT-SC5KH-BJ6JS-BTTTJ-TFXW6: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- 5J5TT-55W5Z-TJ6TS-TJT3B-KJ9FX: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- C35TB-TCCCZ-3J6BS-BTBTJ-J6RZS: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
- CTW3T-36TWH-TTFTZ-BTJT3-RHRJ3: This code can get you 5 golden keys.
2. Tiny Tina’s Assault on Dragon Keep
- 5J5TT-RCJBS-ZXWCJ-TJ3BJ-TK3FB: Using this code gets you Salvador’s Bear Naked skin.
- 535BB-3R3BZ-HF5K3-JJB33-3BF3J: Using this code gets you Gaige’s Summoner Sickness Skin.
- CBKJ3-5FT39-ZRCCT-JTJB3-RFJ5B: Using this code gets you Krieg’s My Fantasies Involve Blood skin.
- CBCJ3-W5TT9-S65K3-BJJ3B-XHWWC: Using this code gets you Maya’s Her Violent Nature skin.
- CTKJ3-9CBJS-9R5WT-JBJ3T-WKXKF: Using this code gets you Zero’s The Pandora Chainmail Massacre skin.
- KTK3J-FR3JS-ZX55B-B3BJ3-HSRB6: Using this code gets you Axton’s Natural Twenty skin.
3. Heads
- CT5BB-XTW5X-9CSBT-3BTTJ-FT5X5: You will get Zero’s G0ry Gh0ul head.
- CBKBJ-6ZJW6-HKH3T-B3T33-F5ZRS: You will get Gaige’s Wayfarer Wizard head.
- CBKBB-ZHJC6-SWHJT-JJ3BB-3CXHS: You will get Krieg’s My Ears Are Ringing head.
- KJKJT-WHBKX-HC9BT-TJBJ3-XJFSJ: You will get Axton’s Warrior of Light head.
- KTC3T-WTW5F-ZCHB3-BT3B3-XJ9WR: You will get Maya’s Elven Eliminator head.
- WBCJJ-33KWR-S5Z33-BJTTB-65WJJ: You will get Salvador’s The Beast Within head.
4. Class Mod Shift Codes
If you are looking for Borderlands 2 shift codes PS4 that can not only add cosmetic appearance to your game characters but can also add more impact to the game then Class Mods are for you. They change the way characters play, boost their skills, and also add bonus. If you are looking to give Borderlands 2 a new way to play then the following Class Mod shift codes are for you:
- W3C3B-5JRZC-WJH33-JBJJB-9S6CJ: With this code, you get Gaige Class Mod.
- WJWJ3-FXC33-KT3CR-KR33J-J9B35: With this code, you get Maya Class Mod.
- WTCJT-J653B-C3TKF-5X333-F6JRH: With this code, you get Krieg Class Mod.
- CBWJ3-S5CJ3-WTTCF-WX333-9STBF: With this code, you get Zero Class Mod.
- WJKBB-KXC3J-5BBCR-5X33J-XZ6RZ: With this code, you get Salvador Class Mod.
- 5JKBJ-K9WHW-WBZTJ-T3TTB-TW9HR: With this code, you get Axton Class Mod.
5. Borderlands Pre-Sequel
- CTKTJ-JSWJF-SCJXK-3TJJ3-RWTKX: You get Krieg as a Scav skin.
- CJKBJ-3XWTF-HCJ6K-JJB3T-SB35X: You get Axton as Athena skin.
- CTWTB-RXKTR-SKJXW-3TBTJ-KXKKH: You get Salvador as Wilhelm skin.
- KBWT3-WF5TR-SC3XW-T333B-TSCTS: You get Maya as Nisha skin.
- W3C33-H653X-9CTR5-3TBJ3-HZ99S: You get Zero as Claptrap skin.
- 53WT3-59KJX-95B65-3J333-S9JW9: You get Gaige as Moon Moxxi skin.
6. Loverpalooza
- 5T53B-6K9KT-Z5B65-BTJJ3-655CZ: Get Loverpalooza skins & gun.
- WTCBJ-FTCXF-5TXCT-3TJ33-TZXW6: Get Krieg’s Loverpalooza skin.
7. Luck of the Zafords
- 5JWT3-3H5FB-SCBX5-TJ3JB-H5R6X: Get Luck of the Zafords skins & Chulainn SMG.
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Permanent Borderlands 2 Golden Key Codes
While there are Borderlands 2 codes that expire with time, there are some codes that you can use with unlimited time activity. Look at the list given below for these shift codes:
1. Permanent Borderlands 2 Shift Codes 100 Keys for all Platforms
- ZFKJ3-TT3BB-JTBJT-T3JJT-JWX9H: You get 3 Golden Keys with this code.
- C35TB-WS6ST-TXBRK-TTTJT-JJH6H: You get 5 Golden Keys with this code.
- 5B3BJ-XZWFW-T3KRZ-JBJTB-6WST9: You get 5 Golden Keys with this code.
- 53KBB-KXXRC-RZ66Z-WFJBB-WSRZ3: You get 5 Golden Keys with this code.
2. Permanent Borderlands 2 Shift Codes Xbox One
- C3K33-3H69R-SZJ5X-CRBTJ-CJXK3: Get Krieg Skin with this code.
- CBCJ3-CRX9X-HZ3KX-KX3J3-Z9H5F: Get Maya Skin with this code.
- 53KJ3-HRR96-SHJWX-CR333-C65BB: Get Gaige Skin with this code.
- W35B3-R66ZR-9ZBW6-5XJTJ-RW9RH: Get Zer0 Skin with this code.
- KJCBT-C9X9R-9STKX-W6T33-TZBBB: Get Axton Skin with this code.
- KTWTJ-3FF9X-HH356-5RB3T-ZK6FF: Get Salvador Skin with this code.
3. Permanent Borderlands 2 Shift Codes PS4
- KJCT3-JJ3F9-TF6CJ-HJKTB-563CX: You can get Zer0 Skin.
- KT5B3-S3TRZ-TFXKB-HJKJJ-FCFFZ: You can get Axton Skin.
- KJKB3-6B36H-JF6WT-STCB3-JB69F: You can get Krieg Skin.
- C3CTT-HS9CZ-TXRKJ-STW3T-SRSKZ: You can get Maya Skin.
- 5JWTJ-RS95S-JRFWB-ZBCBB-5XJHT: You can get Salvador Skin.
- WJWJB-C3TF9-36RC3-HT5TB-JWBCF: You can get Gaige Skin.
How to Use Borderlands 2 Golden Key Codes
Once you have got codes for different consoles, you can now attempt to use them to get yourself new items or enhanced powers. There are two ways that can help you with using these codes:
Note: Shift codes usually expire after three weeks.
Option I: Through Web Browser
You can use the shift codes online using the steps given below:
1. First, click on CREATE NEW ACCOUNT on Shift.
2. You can also Sign in to your Steam account.
3. Link your Shift or Steam account to Borderlands 2.
4. Now, go to the Rewards tab.
5. Copy and paste the code to redeem your reward.
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Option II: Through In-Game
You can also use shift codes in-game using the steps given below:
1. Launch Borderlands 2.
2. Select Main Menu and choose EXTRAS.
3. Next, select Shift.
4. Now, at the bottom of the screen click on the Shift Code button.
5. Now, paste the code and click on Submit button. Once done, you will get your rewards in the game.
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Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
Q1. Do shift codes still work?
Ans. Yes, shift codes still work but you need to check them for their activity regularly. If expired, you need to wait for the new codes to release by the developer.
Q2. How can I use golden keys in Borderlands 2?
Ans. You can use golden keys in Borderlands 2 to open the golden loot chest that you can find in Sanctuary near the Fast Travel terminal.
Q3. How can I get shift codes?
Ans. You can get shift codes from the official social media handles of Borderlands 2 and Gearbox Software.
Q4. How many golden chests are present in Borderlands 2?
Ans. There are 2 golden chests, Fyrestone- Arid Badlands and New Haven, that are present in Borderlands 2.
Q5. How can I get a golden key in Borderlands 2?
Ans. You can get a golden key in Borderlands 2 by finding one in an unlocked golden chest, by killing any other dungeon enemy, killing a dungeon slime, or by breaking a pot in the dungeon.
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We hope that our doc on Borderlands 2 golden key codes was helpful in providing thorough information on shift codes and the active ones that you can use in Borderlands 2 to get rewards. Let us know about your doubts if you have any regarding the topic. For other queries or suggestions, you can leave your comments below.